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Air Compressors & Vacuum Systems In San Jose, CA

Commercial & Industrial Compressors

Providing Commercial and Industrial Compressors, Compressed Air Systems, Vacuum Pumps, Vacuum Systems, and Parts to San Jose and the Surrounding Bay Area Since 1981
Are you looking for an experienced, professional, and friendly compressor service company that specializes in air compressor sales, air compressor services, and air compressor rentals of high-quality commercial and industrial compressors and vacuum systems? Look no further than D & D Compressor, Inc.! For more than 30 years, we have provided the San Jose and Bay Area with quality commercial and industrial air compressors, vacuum pumps, and air compressor repairs and maintenance. Call our air compressor store today at 408-947-0491 or 888-400-8768 to learn how we can help you and your business!

Emergency Compressor Repairs in San Jose, CA

How Do We Set Ourselves Apart?

At D & D Compressor, Inc., we understand the importance of providing our clients with a top-of-the-line new air compressor, emergency compressor repairs, & vacuum pump products, along with excellent customer service. Whether you are looking for a new compressor, vacuum pump, or maintenance on your existing system, we offer a full line of products and services to fulfill your needs.

Our services are designed to maintain and keep your air compressor & vacuum pump equipment operating at peak performance. We constantly strive to provide you with the highest level of service so if any customer says “fix my compressor” we can deliver.

Compressor Service by D & D Compressor in San Jose

At D & D Compressor, Inc. We Offer Our Customers

  • Financing
  • Complete System Design, Installation and Services
  • Customized Preventative Maintenance Programs
  • Energy Efficient Systems
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Manufacturer Warranty
Vacuum Pump Repair D & D Compressor in San Jose, CA

Contact Us

You can speak with one of our friendly and helpful team members to learn more about our air compressor sales and rental options. We are available to answer any questions you may have about our compressor service company. If you are in the San Francisco Bay area and looking for affordable compressed air or vacuum products, contact our team at D & D Compressor, Inc. at 408-947-0491 or 888-400-8768 today!

D & D Compressor, Inc. logo

347 Commercial Street
San Jose, CA 95112


Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Service Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

